Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Well,  days just take such unexpected turns...  A lovely little chat online with AO, and some time spent with the time-gobbling Facebook have absorbed most of the morning, and now finally I'm waking up!  About time, you might say - it's after 11:00.  And so true.  But I am grateful to be ...

It's very cold outdoors today, and what a blue, blue sky - makes the snow brightness almost blinding!  I'd like to go out for a walk - maybe let it warm up a bit.

Just two more days until we leave for our drive to Little Rock to visit Bruce's sister and some other family, and then I will bus up to Fayetteville and Beaver to visit  Jon and Lisa, Bill and Mary, Pammy, Suzie and Charles.  We'll be hoping that the wintery weather gives us a nice break during that time.

Now, time to get up and move!

1 comment:

Ao said...

I had such a nice time talking with you! Did you go for a walk later? Derek & I went walking yesterday, motivated by carte de sejour errands, and it snowed a bit! He's gone back to the archives today. I'm gonna miss him, but he's feeling excited to get back in there. Yay. :)

Love you!

Wishing to walk the Labyrinth

Wishing to walk the Labyrinth